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Current Position: Home >> Service Information >> Vehicle Service
Vehicle Service

Consultation and Car Service Telephone: 88780130 (24 hours)

Office Location: North of Area F of Student Apartment (behind Six Canteens)

Campus Bus


Departure time


Loop Line 1


Six dining halls - Jingjiang - Overseas Apartments (Area G) - Graduate School - Library - Medical College - Material College - Sanshanlou - Wukesong - Fluid Center - Automobile College (near Sanchakou) - 8 dining halls in Area C - 4 dining halls - 9 dining halls in New District - D District - 6 Dining halls.

Loop Line 2


Six canteens - 9 buildings in Area D - New Area - Four canteens - 8 buildings in Area C - Automobile College (near Sanchakou) - Fluid Center - Wukesong - Sanshanlou - Material College - Medical College - Library - Graduate School - Overseas Apartments (Area G) - Jingjiang - Six canteens.

Loop Line 3


Wukesong - Fluid Center - Automobile College (near Sanchakou) - 8 buildings in Area C - 4 dining halls - 9 buildings in New Area D - Overseas Apartments (Area G) - 6 Dining halls.

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