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Business Service Center

(1) Responsible for the operation and management of Hengchang company (off campus property project);

(2) To be responsible for the lease management of the school's operating houses;

(3) Responsible for the school auditorium, small auditorium, conference center and other conference services;

(4) Responsible for the operation and service of youth education apartment and expert building;

(5) Responsible for the printing service of teaching, scientific research and other related materials;

(6) Be responsible for the management and service of school name cultural products;

(7) To be responsible for the guidance, supervision and assessment of the operation of bathrooms entrusted by the school headquarters to social enterprises;

(8) Responsible for the social project management of instant water heater, self-service printer, self-service hair dryer, self-service washing machine, air conditioning in student dormitory, etc;

(9) Complete other tasks assigned by the leaders of the Department (Group).

Deputy director of the center: Zhu Jianqing

Office telephone: 88791597

Office location: room 118, east side of building 4, block B, student apartment

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